Photo Album
Note: If you have photos that you would like to have posted to this website but do not have digital copies of them, you can send them to Bev Hill and she will scan and post them for you. All photos will be returned either by mail or at the reunion.
Bev's address is:
7550 Fourth Street
Dexter, MI 48130
Ron Ball & Chuck Peltier
Ron and Jennifer Camp Ball with 9 grandkids and 1 great grandaughter-December 2008
Chet, Bev, Kay and Jim on prom night.
Prom night photo 45 years removed
Bev (Berglund) Hill and family
Jr/Sr Prom 1966
Jr/Sr Prom 1966
Jr/Sr Prom 1966
Queen's Court 1966
Claudia Coleman, Sally Rozelle, Debbie Abbott
Lynda Barrett, Tom Wallace, Bill Marry, Sally Rozelle, Jack Veneros
Mac Gutierrez, Lynne Townsend, Sally Rozelle, Jim Distler - Homecoming 1965
Scott Baxter, Sally Rozelle, Bill Inhulsen, Steve Halsey - 8th Grade Field Trip
Terrie Barrett, Sally Rozelle 1965
Bev Hill (Berglund) and Kay Distler (Lillywhite) with mostly older folks (from the class of 1965)
An ear to listen, a hand to hold, a heart to share, a friend who cares. Debbie Abbott Duka, Sandie Williams Bishop, Sally Rozelle Kennedy
Dinner with Distler's and Ball's @ Capt. Chuck's
Mrs. Kinsey's Brownie Troop April, 1956
Mrs. Kinsey's Brownie Troop February, 1956
Claudia, Jennifer and Kay in matching outfits 1962?
Science Fair 1961 Gary Taylor, Jack Tuckerman, Kay Lillywhite and Suzanne Michaels
All Stars 1960 Little League Tri-County
1965 Basketball Team
1965 basketball team, 2011 version
Aaron and Jan Salinas daughters Lisa Brober and Rachel.
Sharon Kingsley Taylor, Mike Brennan, Jan Geeting Salinas, Aaron Salinas, Jennifer Camp Ball - December 2007
David Dulworth family (with 6 of 9 children)
Linda Barrett and husband Carl Gugino
Group picture 1
Group picture 2
Group picture 3 - who's that in the back with the peace sign? There's one in every crowd...
Thompson House Museum tour on Saturday
High school tour on Saturday
Butch's Tavern tour on Friday
Honoring our Deceased Classmates: Linda Robinson ( O'Connor)
Lighting the Remembrance candles: Mike Brennan
Basketball Stars reunited.
Ken & Carol (Frederick) Kelly
Deceased Classmates Remembrance Table
Sharon (Kingsley) Taylor and Jennifer (Camp) Ball
Bill and Carol Inhulsen
Becky (Yager) and Larry Morgan
Hilda (Houttekier) and Jerry Cool
Joe and Debbie Exe
Kim and Richard Stump
Linda and Al Eady
Patti and Bruce Lewis
Rick and Jan Kimling
Sally (Rozelle) Kennedy
Tom and Mary (Hartley) Pence
Bev (Berglund) Hill and Al Eady
Clayton - 2nd Grade
Clayton - 3rd Grade
Clayton - 4th Grade
Clayton - 5th Grade
Clayton - 6th Grade
Sally Rozelle Kennedy, Jennifer Camp Ball, Sandy Hanlin Romanowski, Sheri Short Scott-Welty, Pat Peacock DeLong, Linda O'Connor Robinson at "Galarina".
(Click on an image to view at full size.)